Truman State University - VPN Documentation
Truman State University's virtual private network (VPN) is available to students, faculty and staff to provide a secure network connection between your off-site computer system and resources on the local Truman network.You can use the VPN to connect to Truman network drives (like W: or Y: drives), access the restricted library databases and connect to most other Truman network resources when you are away from the Truman campus.
If you have any questions, please contact the ITS HelpDesk at 660-785-4544.
- The VPN will not make your off-campus connection faster. A VPN provides a secure connection, not a faster one. Your VPN connection speed to Truman will be slightly slower due to the additional overhead.
- You must have a broadband connection to use the VPN. It will not work over a dial-up connection.
- Do not use the VPN while on campus. The VPN is for off-campus use only.
We're researching automatically connecting VPN users to Truman network drives but at this time if you need to map a network drive while using the VPN you'll have to do it manually. Information on how to manually map Truman network drives is located here.
Please click HERE to enter your TRUMAN Domain network username and password to continue to the VPN software download page.
If you are having technical
problems logging in or using this application, please contact the
IT Service Center