Employee Availability

Employee Availability

Personal Information

Current Class Status


Please complete the following by selecting the days and times you are available to work throughout the semester.  Please do not select boxes that conflict with other obligations such as evening classes, organizational meetings, recreational commitments, bedtimes, and favorite television shows because we do not want to continually change the work schedule.  After we receive all surveys we will develop a comprehensive schedule. By selecting a particular time slot, you are indicating that you are available for the entire hour. (For example by selecting Sundays at 5 PM, you are stating you are available to work from 5 PM-6 PM, and selecting 9 PM means you are able to work until the MAC closes at 10 PM.)







Training Session

All Study Hall monitors must attend one training session before they will be put on the schedule.  Please select from one of the following times to attend:

For returning Study Hall Monitors for the Spring, please select "None of these times work; I need an appointment with Emmanuel."*

Do not fill in the following field